4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Just got these fresh digits in from John S.:

Here is my generic tattoo. Ha actually has some meaning to me though, got it the day my old lady said she wanted me back in her life, this is her last call. I’ll send pictures if the lower knuckles soon as I get a picture.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Love the lettering on this set tattooed by Greg Merola.

my name is Greg Merola and i work in Wallingford, CT, i am the tattoo artist that did this tattoo and took the photos.. the knuckles belong to my friend/client Wayne.. Wayne recently sobered up and wanted to remember it by getting LAST CALL on his knuckles.. i personally love the idea!! in the future we may add his sober date on the lowerknuckles.. not quite sure

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



Sarah convinced her boyfriend to send these in. The story is as follows:

Spyder got his knuckles done in Saint Louis, MO about a year ago after being a bouncer at various bars and clubs in Boston and in Los Angeles throughout the years. I found it only appropriate to set the shot up with the king of beers.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos My Photos


Last call

Originally uploaded by nathanblack.

Ian works as a bartender at Woodys South in Austin, Texas. Says that he got the tattoo as he wanted to leave his 20s behind. He got them to mark a change in his life. He says that his life is completely different now, except that he is still a bartender. And a damn fine one too.