Knuckle Tattoos Other

SEAN ♥♠♦♣

Tonight I worked at the Texas Rollergirls bout, and the half time show was none other than Charlie Horse out of Los Angeles, CA. They totally rocked their half time set. The first set of knuckles I got were from the lead singer, Sean Wheeler, who you may also recognize from Throw Rag. They were busy tearing down, so I didn’t get a chance to talk to him after the set. Maybe down the road I can catch up to him again. Keep rocking hard man!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos My Photos



Oh man oh man, Charlie Horse’s bass player… None other than Corey Parks, formerly of Nashville Pussy and Die Hunns. Honestly I was a little too intimdated to ask her the story behind these beauties. But then again, maybe they speak for themselves.

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos

LOST SOUL (harmless)


Holy crap y’all. Look at this! Our first set of knuckle tattoos from another country. Freakin’ Germany! Here’s a punch line: he got them done here in Austin. And double deckers at that. Here is what Osti has to say:

My name is Osti, I’m a tattooer living in Germany. Eric Doyle did the top part of my knuckles almost ten years ago when he was working for Perfection Tattoos in Austin. He did the bottom three years ago at Jinx Proof in D.C. The tattoo is about the discrepancy between how I view myself and how everybody else sees me ;-). I had no idea how hard it was to take a picture of your own hands.

Osti, we really appreciate you taking the trouble of photographing your own hands. It ain’t easy. I knew we would get knuckles from other countries, I just didn’t expect them so soon. Thanks again!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Edge Erin sent us this lovely pair of knuckles and she has this to say about them:

I have always been just “One of the guys” You know how that is. But I am amazing, I am not your typical prissy girl that tries to be one of the guys. You always develop crushes on your best friends of the opposite sex, I mean if you weren’t attracted to each other some how, would you even be friends? Anyway, I would always say to them if they wanted to be more than friends, that it wouldn’t be possible to keep a friendship after, so I’ve pulled the “I only like you as a friend” thing, too many times. But its true right? … SO I have been called a lil heartbreaker, but “Heart Breaker” wouldn’t fit, so I chose the next closest, “Man’s Ruin” claiming myself to be the ruin of some men. I have also been told that I ruin men in other ways.. (wink wink) haha so its kinda a 2-way meaning.

I also didn’t know of anyone else having it on their knuckles so that helped too. Although it has sort of been a “Job stopper” tattoo, I have found an amazing job at an animal hospital, that doesn’t judge me by my amount of tattoos and piercings.

Tattoo done by: Nick Flanagan @ Dragon’s Lair Tattoo Salem, NH

Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs

Fleur de Lis and Hurricane

These are on the hands of Jarrold. He was living in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina this time last year. He evacuated the day before Katrina hit, and now is living in Austin, Texas. The Fleur-de-Lis is the symbol of New Orleans.

Now he is working as a tattoo artist here at True Blue Tattoo in Austin, and has made a new home with his kid. He says that he lost everything in the storm, but in coming to Austin has got it all back and more. I think he’s going to be with us for a while.

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


This here is Jim from True Blue Tattoos in Austin, TX. Shamokin is the name of his home town. When asked why he chose the name of his home town he replied, “Well, it’s got eight letters and I’m always going to be from there. You can send my corpse there when I’ve paid my dues.”

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


I got tipped off to Corey by a friend of mine at the Skatepark of Austin. I tracked him down on myspace, and asked if I could post the picture and get his story. I’m just going to post his response verbatim:

“heres my tat.. heres my story”
Oh well I’m the type of guy who will never settle down,
Where pretty girls are well you know that I’m around
I kiss ’em and I love ’em cause to me they’re all the same
I hug ’em and I squeeze ’em they don’t even know my name
They call me the wanderer , yeah I’m a wanderer,
I go around around around around

Well there’s Moe on my left and Mary on my right,
And Janie is the girl well that I’ll be with tonight,
And when she ask me which one I love the best,
I tear open my shirt and I show Rosie on my chest,
‘Cause I’m a wanderer, yeah I’m a wanderer
I roam around around around around hmmm

Well I roam from town to town, I go through life without a care,
And I’m as happy as a clown,
With my two fists of iron, but I’m goin’ nowhere.

Yeah I’m the type of guy that likes to roam around
I’m never in one place I roam from town to town
And when I find myself fallin’ for some girl
I hop right in that car of mine, I drive around the world
And I’m a wanderer, yeah I’m a wanderer
I roam around around around around hmmm

Cause I’m a wanderer, yeah a wanderer
I roam around around around around

If you want a gimpse into his wanderings, check out his photo bucket album.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Geoff, door man at Ed’s Cucaracha/The Jackalope in Austin, TX.

He says the tattoos represent the rough odds he faces and his divorce. They are a tribute to the The Pioneers song ‘Long Shot Kicked the Bucket’ (available on many of the Pioneers’ CDs, including the appropriately titled best of album: Long Shot Kicked the Bucket).

So let me tell you a quick story about Geoff. He used to work for my old lady, working in the production, stuffing boxes and shrink wrapping them. One day he just didn’t show up. A day or two go by and he calls in. When she asks him where he has been his answer was “A bottle of Jameson’s and a girl.”

Long Shot indeed.

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos


Today’s knuckle come at the hands of Josh, a piercer at True Blue Tattoos in Austin, TX.
He explained that he is a dedicated science geek and that the Vega Star is the closest solar system to ours. And yes those are fruits, vegtables and meats on the next knuckles down.

Josh is also a killer shot in the laser tag arenas. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Knuckle Tattoos Other


Another set sent in by the lovely ZOMBIEGIRL. Here is what she has to say about them:

These knucks belong to Rat Bastard…Dread Pirate…a man of mystery.

Thanks for sending these in, the more the merrier!