4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs


Great find today! John T. of New York sends in this thorough set of knuckle tattoos. Pictures with his comments interspaced below:

In the first picture are my initials J & T on my pinkies,and some lucky charms.

The second picture is BABY LOVE, this started as a goof thing I used to say to my wife but the more I said it the more it stuck.

The third picture is my 6 & 5 which is my birth year along with 2 daggers.

The fourth picture is all of my hand tattoos the kanji are Pity on the right and Vengeance on the left.

All the tattoos were done by CIV at Lotus Tattoo in Sayville, New York.

Hey John, those are really great thanks for sending them in! And man that Lotus Tattoo site is really great. Check it out!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


This is Mason, he found us over on our MySpace page. This is his story:

I got my knuckle tattoo after I became a father.
My life motto was “live fast, die young”. After my little girl was born it became “live hard, die old”. I’m getting “die old” on the knuckles below my “live hard”

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand Other


This lovely young lady here is named Gretchen and this is what she has to say about her knuckle tattoo:

It’s for my cousin J.W. that’s in the Navy. He has an anchor on his arm. I never get to see him now that’s he’s in the Navy.

What a way to support the troops.

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos


I met Aaron here at the last Texas Rollergirls match as well. He says that he is a gambler, thus the Aces Full. The 901 referrs to the area code of Memphis, TN, his home town. The KAN is an acronym for Kings A Nuthin’, a group of friends out of Memphis. Apparently they predated the band Kings of Nuthin’.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs


These belong to Lux Blue owner of Crushproof Pro Touring. However LUCK and EVIL are only half the story. Check this out:

Double set, from LUCK EVIL to LUCKY DEVIL with a flick of his thumbs.

Site News

Great Birthday Present!

Hey y’all, just got a mention on the bmezine’s modblog! Hits are going off the chart! I know that it has nothing to do with it being my birthday, but I’m going to bask in it anyways. I feel like Steve Martin in The Jerk when he gets his name in the phone book.

I’m also going to take this moment to put a call out for submissions. This site runs on reader submissions and the knuckle tattoos that I can find. So, please, if you have knuckle tattoos, or know someone who does, or even just see some on someone, please send me a picture or encourage them to send me a picture. I can be reached here at or on MySpace at

Send me your knuckles today and it’ll be like I’m getting that many more birthday presents!

Thanks for playing along,


I’m somebody now! Millions of people look at this book everyday! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity – your name in print – that makes people. I’m in print! Things are going to start happening to me now.

 – The Jerk

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


This here is Derek. I met him a few years ago at the Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival. He makes these amazing Elvis busts with a twist. For example, “Hellvis” is an Elvis with horns and painted red. “El Fez” with a fez of course.My favorite however is “Elvis Presently” which you should definately check out. You can find all these and more at his website: Suffering from Elvis Disease. He also does Halloween themed Virgin Marys.

Like I said, just awesome stuff.

Oh, and the story behind his knuckles? He has narcolepsy.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hope You Got The Letter

Man these are awesome, posted by my pal Beatnick Sidearm out of Ballard, Seattle. Burly… I’d love to hear the story on this set.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos

Three Bars

Three Bars

Jamie’s knuckles, at Sam Bond’s Garage in Eugene, Oregon, courtesy of sweet Miss Jenn.

“Its from an old system of hobo symbols. Whenever a hobo would get to a new town they would leave messages for other tramps about the quirks of that perticular town. Like “the cops here will try and kill you” or “the old lady who lives here will give you food” this one means “this is a good place to rest” which is what i needed at the point in my life when i got them. It’s also the meteorological symbol for mist… go figure.
–jamie “

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


This is Jeff, he works at the amazing Archie McPhee’s the best toy and novelty story in the northwest, maybe the world. The picture was submitted by the amazing and talented Schadenfreude Lola out of Seattle, WA. Jeff has this to say about his knuckles:

As far as a story goes, I am just a old school video game fan. I was going to get game over tattooed on my eyelids but realized it would fit on my knuckles better.