4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



Sarah convinced her boyfriend to send these in. The story is as follows:

Spyder got his knuckles done in Saint Louis, MO about a year ago after being a bouncer at various bars and clubs in Boston and in Los Angeles throughout the years. I found it only appropriate to set the shot up with the king of beers.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



These knuckle tattoos are on the hands of Pappy in Milacan, MN:

Basically is what it means is “Trying to define my values as opposed to those recognized by the society of our world.” Otherwise known as ANTI-SOCIAL but I could not fit that many letters on my knuckles. It really just means I fucking hate people!!!!!

Milaca, MN

Artist: Scottie “Munster” Stommes
Olde Town Tattoo
St. Cloud, MN

Knuckle Tattoos Thumbs

Coffin and Hourglass

Coffin and Hourglass

These are the knuckles of Ben Tupper, Hereford UK. His story is a timely one:

Basically I woke up this morning (07/7/07) and like you do sometimes, I was thinking about death. I began to think about how finite life really is and how I need to be more spontaneous. So, I went to see my friend in town and got the hour glass and coffin, kind of to remind me that times ticking away. Plus I want to move work on to my hands gradually.

Tattoos Done by Mozza at Aaargh Tattoo Studio in Hereford UK.

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos



Originally uploaded by bendan42.

Ah flickr, thanks again for the random photos. Not only does this guy like Nintendo, it also seems he is from Vermont as far as I can tell.

UPDATE: Reader Terry L. sends this in:

the only guy i know with that “vermont” tatt across his eck is one of the guys from the cali band “the devil makes three“. i didn’t know he had a nintendo knuckle tatt, but i just looked at some pics on their site and sure enough, it’s true. makes me like the band even more than i did, and that was quite a bit!

Thanks for the update Terry! Apparently it is Cooper McBean of “The Devil Makes Three”. And yes, he does come from Vermont.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



These come courtesy of tattoo artist Erik Kipperman, owner of Swallowtail Tattoo in San Diego, CA.

this is a knuckle tattoo on a customer of mine named brett….he is in the navy; a deck seamen, and he is out to sea. this is a traditional navy tattoo. “Tattooing HOLD, on the knuckles of one hand and FAST, on the other is said to help the seaman hold on to the riggings better.”

in submitting this photo, i am hoping that the tattoo will help him get home safely, so that i can tattoo him some more…

Erik, we are all hoping for the safe return of your friend and all the rest of our troops. To all our pals in the armed forces, be careful out there.

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos



Lisa S. of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada sends us these beauties and a great story to match:

I went through a really rough time in my life. I had basically lost everything and anyone that I cared about. I didn’t have anyone to help me get through it, but myself, and I didn’t think I would make it. I had to find the strength to do it all by myself. After finding a way out of the mess I was in, I got the word STRENGTH tattood on my knuckles as a constant reminder. It tells me that I’m strong, and no matter what happens, I can get through it.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand Other



Kiki S. sends us this picture of her diamond, and has this to say:

I got this tattoo for 1 month now, I got it done in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
It stands for a lot of things, that I can’t all explain…
But It remains me of a surten time, place en friends!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



These knuckles come to us from the US Military on the hands of Jesse M. Here is what he says about them:

Vita (life) Mors (death) in latin. All that really is important in this world is life and death what you do in between is up to you. Im a u.s. marines so life and death are a big part of my job.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Straight out of San Francisco, CA we have Gary Vargas. He is a body piercer with Mom’s Body Shop in SF. He presents us with a set of knuckles dealing with coming to grips with who you are:

My kunckles were done by Eric Jones at Mom’s Body Shop in SF where i work as a body piercer. i’ve been trying to get tattooes that not only have a visual meaning, but a funny one as well. with my knuckles, i did some humor on my height. i’m 6 foot 8 and for most of my my life i hated my height. not untill i got into my late 20’s did i start to feel more comfortable about it.

4x4 8 Across Knuckle Tattoos