Ruby Riot poses the question, to which I answer: Why not? She’s got her own reason WHY:
My knuckles were done after a discussion with my line-manager and a lot of thought.
Originally I was torn between a lot of things; Kamikaze, Maverick, Renegade and Ruby Riot until my friends pointed out that I should get my favourite word, also a question, simply ‘Why?’
It sums me up, the fact I never lost my childlike curiousity and question everything. It’s not something that other people can label me with either which is important because of the work I do (I am a youth worker, I have to question everything and find out about people’s motives, challenge their behaviour. That kind of thing)
Maybe one day I’ll come up with something as equally personal for my right hand, the reason behind ‘Why?’ being on my left is because I have little fingers and the ‘W’ wouldn’t have fitted on my little finger :D