4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos My Photos Thumbs


I’ve been talking with Finny for ages now and I finally got it together to post his knuckles. Here they are along with the stories behind them:

What would Finny do? SINK SWIM is his yin and yang. Has a devil side and and an angel side, and tattoos themed to match. Thus his swim is on his "good" side, comedy, his mom. SINK on his left for the bad, tragedy, father.
Fruits and veggies - his mom said he needed somethign to remind him to eat his fruits and veggies every day. He is going down the path of organic farming.
The Crawfish/Lobster. The only piece of Sailor Jerry flash on his body. Sailor Don, busted out actual Sailor Jerry Red and mixed it with everclear. Salt and pepper shakers adorn to add a little spice.
Knuckle Tattoos



Don Nux shows us that sweet, sweet knuckle tattoos aren’t just for kids any more, anyone who is dedicated enough can express their passion on their hands:

Here’s a pic of my knuckle tats. They are about 4-6 months old. The meaning (RIG4 DIVE) is to rig the ship for diving, a term heard on board a submarine while surfaced, but getting ready to go deep. Yeah, I was a submarine sailor.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



Markus Sell sends us these knuckles all the way from Munich, German

The Story behind is that i already had the Stars on my left and right hand.

They weren`t made that good and i thought about having them made over and use the star for the A in the Word STAR, and on my other Hand ROCK to build the Word ROCKSTAR.

I was more into it when i read KAT von D`s Book cuz i liked her hands so much. Now im Happy to have it on my Knuckles.
Lets see what my Boss is thinking about it when i see him on Monday :-)

Im a Male Nurse here in Munich, Germany and in charge of the Ward. :-)

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



From Costa Mesa, CA:

My exciting story is that I wanted an AC/DC tattoo because they rule, but didn’t want their logo, so I picked one of their best songs…RIFF RAFF.  That’s it.

Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs



This one goes out to my pals in the Austin Facial Hair Club. Although I can not grow a beard of my own, it is important to support those who can. Lauren Ray of Pensacola, FL sends us these knuckle tattoos:

i got this tattoo because well, i LOVE beards. Everyone knows it, so i decided to truly show how much i do by getting it tattooed on my knuckles. The thumbs were a last minute idea and i love them. Tattoo courtesy of 3 Saints Tattoos, Pensacola, FL.


8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


I stopped by Studio Enigma in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, which opened up last summer as Gotham City Tattoo, just to introduce myself and promote my blog, Tattoosday.

I was chatting with Bill Blood, one of the artists, and noticed he had some cool knuckle lettering.

After telling him about the site, he agreed to share his ink here:

The letters, of course, spell out the word “LOBOTOMY,” the first time I have seen that combination on knuckles. The effect is enhanced by the Gothic font, which is similar to the lettering in the Misfits logo.

Bill started “scratching” back in 1998, and has been professionally tattooing for about seven years.

Why “lobotomy”?

He likes the word, the way it sounds, the way it looks, the way it reads. He once played guitar in a band called “Chainsaw Lobotomy,” although Bill says that the coincidence with the ink ends there.

In all honesty, this piece represents how creativity can really transform knuckle tattoos into something memorable. The fact that his friend Jason inked these in such a cool font, reminiscent of the horror genre, and used a blend of yellow and green ink to make the knuckles “pop,” shows that Bill put some serious thought into these digits.

Thanks to Bill for sharing these cool knuckle tattoos!

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos




Today’s knuckles come to us via Meaghan McCulloch:

Here is a two pictures of my boyfriends knuckles.
They are pretty self-explanitory, he loves hot rods, motorcyles, and well burn outs so BURN OUT!  was a pretty easy choice.
on the bottom knuckles he has FINK LIFE a tribute to Ed Roth and Rat Fink.
Knuckle Tattoos One Hand



These tattoos came in a while back, and here is the story on ’em:

I got this tattooed on me because i am a massive GOOD CHARLOTTE fan. And a massive fan of there clothing line DCMA.

Knuckle Tattoos Other



Anthony Mattia sends us this famillial tattoo:

these are my knuckles i got them inked with my last name for my family, or in case i get lost.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



These knuckles come courtesy of Em Shadows:

Alot of it was based on a saying i use alot but its mainly how i some up my life lol Its always epic and always loads going on but fail is also the way it often goes lol Also tho Its a positive way to look at it ya know  like it may be epic fail but im still going and im still pushing for the better hard to explain