4x4 Knuckle Tattoos Thumbs


Miles from Camrose, Alberta, Canada sends us these knuckle tattoos:

I got cake on my left hand to cover up the foolish tattoo i got when i was married. The K is from my ex. After realising that it wasnt working out i had to get rid of it or get something else, My brother thought of using CAKE and his reasoning was that everyone likes cake. I thought it was a pretty good idea. Im in the process of getting LIFE on my right hand and IS on my thumbs. i’ll send in pics when its done and i think i mght poach an idea from your site and go with the pacman theme on my lower knuckles.

Tattooed by Rex at Fatbaby Custom Tattoo

UPDATE 8/16/2012: Miles sent in his complete knuckle tattoos:

Hey it’s miles again. I sent in my left hand awhile back.  I got my second stage finally done on my knuckles. Thought I would send ya a pic. I got the new ones done at Ink Addiction in Saskatoon. If you want a better pic let me know.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


servus! i’m mario from vienna and thats my knuckle-tattoo in german EBBE & FLUT  (EBB & FLOW)


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hey guys! I’m tiffany,  I love your page and had to send mine in as soon as I got a decent pic.  Here’s my picture and the story behind em.

Someone near and dear to me started calling me dollface years ago and it just stuck. I adore being called Dollface and after soem thought I figured it was dainty enough to be tattooed on my knuckles. My favorite part of it is the girly skull, my artist knows how feminine I am and even gave her a little bow, every time I look at my hands I can’t help but smile!



4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Jim Warner sends us these carbonated knuckles:

Got this tattooed a couple years ago. I may have a bit of a (diet) coke problem. The little store next to our shop only sold Diet Pepsi for the longest time, so when he got a Coke cooler I decided that was all the reason I needed to get the knucks done. Some folks think about a BAC, I worry about a BDCC.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hi, I’ am Marcos Vinícius From São Paulo, Brazil

I Did this tattoo to show that hardcore is not just a style of music, but a lifestyle, amovement, a culture and is forever.

“do it yourself” forever

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


I’m Justin Crawford from Mt. Vernon, Ohio  My knuckles say Hard Knox which is the name of the tattoo shop I work at. And Knox is the name of the county I live in!

Done by Tony Campise at Hard Knox Tattoo in Mt. Vernon Ohio. It’s a hard knox life!
and from Left to right in 2nd picture   Reptar Funk  Justin Crawford  Tony campise
4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Travis Bennett sends us these knuckle tattoos:

I got these tattoos because I am a Chef and that is what I will always strive for no matter were I work or who I cook for: GOOD FOOD!! I got the egg and pig because of old childhood memories of eggs and bacon in the morning, plus those are my 2 fav things to work with.

Site News

Mail Box….

Hey y’all!

I get email every once in a while, and I thought I’d take a moment to share a recent exchange:

Hey Nathan.

I’m a huge supporter of the knuckle project. I check in every day to see new ones. The tats are so cool and the stories are even more legendary. Ive been wanting knuckle tats for a long time now but I’m only 16. I can’t wait to send in mine when I’m 18. I’m stuck on SDMF 1994. Can’t wait!


I responded with:

Hey Brendan,

Thanks for supporting the project. It is definitely a labor of love. I have to say, though, please don’t get your knuckles done. I’ve talked to a lot of people about their knuckles and what they mean to them. While a lot of people love and cherish their knuckles, plenty of people also regret having had them done. There is still a lot of hate dropped on people with their knuckles done, which is bullshit. But it still happens.

I’m 38 and I’ve been working on this project for 5 years now. I still don’t have my knuckles done. Your knuckles are the final frontier. You have plenty of time to get them tattooed. Hopefully you will pick something more meaningful to your life as a whole instead of the year you were born and a band you liked in high school. If I had done that, I’d have 1972 and TMBG across my knuckles.

Trust me, friend, wait as long as possible to get your hands done. You are going to go through a lot more shit soon. Something epic will happen. Commemorate that instead.

Thanks for writing in,

Nathan Black
All knuckle tattoos, all the time.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Just got these fresh digits in from John S.:

Here is my generic tattoo. Ha actually has some meaning to me though, got it the day my old lady said she wanted me back in her life, this is her last call. I’ll send pictures if the lower knuckles soon as I get a picture.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


A lady known only (to me) as “plasticisfantastic” sends her knuckles and this story:

Got the words “Baby Doll” on my knuckles a couple of days ago! I got this tattoo because everyone tells me I look so innocent all the time and I look just like a baby doll! So the nickname just eventually caught on to me.