I had a great time at the New York City Tattoo Convention!
I met a ton of great people and collected over 40 sets of knuckle tattoos. I’ve already started compiling the convention book. I spent a lot of time hanging out with Marissa and Brian from the exceptional Needles and Sins tattoo blog. I also ran into Bill Cohen from the Tattoosday blog. We all got together for this photo:

Over the course of the convention, my legs placed 3rd in the “Old School” Tattoo category, I passed out a ton of stickers, I traded Tshirts with a random guy in a bar, a tattooed cop gave me official NYPD patches, got to spend a lot of quality time with my brother and his wife, and I brought home a carry on bag worth of bagels. Pretty good for a four day trip.
If you want to see the rest of my “behind the scenes shots” of the convention and my various wandering through NYC, visit my photography site.
Thanks to everyone in NYC for your hospitality and I hope to come back next year!