My name is Andrew and the the story behind my knuckle tattoos, well Love is happiness and Grace…is a lot of things, but for the sake of being combined with love, it’s forgiveness. For my thumbs, I’m from Rhode Island, and the anchor is on our flag, “hope we have as an anchor of the soul.” <3 Little Rhodey.
Category: Thumbs
Adam of Adam’s Rotors sends us this photo and reminder:
a tattoo for my wife & marriage…a reminder to be kind and love her everyday as she deserves
Bireley is at it again. I think he is officially out of fingers.
Hi again Nathan. I’m back for the 3rd time but without knowing if this tattoo work I just had done fits with your website & the knuckle concept. Anyway, if it is worthy of your site the words are obvious enough in saying that I try to & I hope others also consider having an OPEN MIND.
Dave Bireley is back again, and trying to force my hand to create a new category (9-Down), but he didn’t realize I already had an “other” category. Good to hear from you again Dave. This is his reason for getting his double (and a thumb) deckers.
Just had these done 3/12/11. Story is that ARCH ENEMY is my favorite melodic death metal band.
I attended the Star of Texas Tattoo Convention and took a whole bunch of photos of knuckle tattoos!
Check them out:
I’ve been talking with Finny for ages now and I finally got it together to post his knuckles. Here they are along with the stories behind them:

This one goes out to my pals in the Austin Facial Hair Club. Although I can not grow a beard of my own, it is important to support those who can. Lauren Ray of Pensacola, FL sends us these knuckle tattoos:
i got this tattoo because well, i LOVE beards. Everyone knows it, so i decided to truly show how much i do by getting it tattooed on my knuckles. The thumbs were a last minute idea and i love them. Tattoo courtesy of 3 Saints Tattoos, Pensacola, FL.
These knuckles come all the way from Natalia in Costa Rica. I don’t know what she is saying, but I’m pretty sure it is awesome:
my name is natalia, from costa rica! ;) y me tatué stay calm, porque soy impaciente, estresada y me altero por todo, aun teniendolo tatuado, i just cant stay calm ;) pero voy progresando hahahaha….
oh and a diamond. made my alejandro cole, at stattoos tattoo, san pedro, costa rica ♥
UPDATE: Since several people ponited me towards google translate, I’ve gone ahead and added the rough English translation:
my name is natalia, from Costa Rica! ;) Tatu and I stay calm, because I am anxious, stressed and altered by me throughout, even keeping a tattoo, i just cannot stay calm;) hahahaha … but I make progress.
oh and a diamond. made by alejandro cole, at stattoos tattoo, San Pedro, Costa Rica ♥
Mekaylah sends us these knuckles and her story:
these are my knuckle tattoos. all the way across. kiss or kill, a line from the song “we’re desperate” by the band X. my favorite song by one of my favorite bands. kiss or kill black or white do or die. need i say more? done by phil colvin owner of memorial tattoo atlanta ga.