Knuckle Tattoos One Hand Other


Nerdcore. This is a function for a mathematical singularity. When x=0 this function fails to compute. As x approaches zero from either direction, it aproaches either negative or positive infinity. Cameron had this to say about his tattoo:

I got the tattoo because I like the idea of math not being well behaved. That sound’s lame and I really don’t mean that in some kind of A is for Anarchy type way. I just think that its kind of nice that something as perfectly fuctional as math can kink up around the edges.

I don’t think that sounds lame at all. In fact I think it’s important to remember that even in the seemingly cold world of mathematics there are things that just don’t come to a reasonable answer.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand Other


Ah yes, WASD. The four letter combination every PC gamer knows. W, A, S and D are the ‘holy four’ keys used to maneuver your electronic killing machines through video game space. This top Set was sent in by Matthew M.

I actually got two sets of these sent in. Here is the second set:

This set can be found on Nathan B who attends the University of Massachusetts in Amerhest. Nathan shares not only my name, but also by birthdate. These are Nathan’s first tattoos. He thought that the knuckles are the coolest place to get tattoos (We agree!). They are tattooed in white UV reactive ink. They won’t be very visible under normal light, but under a black light they will show up nice and bright.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


These are the knuckle tattoos of “Captain Catastrophy”, the onstage human torch for Belgium’s rock sensation El Guapo Stuntteam. He got them because of the Lynyrd Skynyrd song Free Bird and it’s use in the movie The Devil’s Rejects.

Here is a clip of him doing his thing:


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


This is another set from our pal Osti in Germany. He tattooed this set on his friend Tepo here. “Sexy Tepo” is his nickname.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


These rockers come straight out of Brussels Belgium, courtesy of Saint Empire.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Ah, Fran has it totally right.

Lone Star: it’s not just the state nickname, it’s also the national beer of Texas.

I love me some Lone Star Beer. It’s what I’m sipping right now as a matter of fact. Mmmmm… Beer!

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos

HURT HEAL (Dead Love)


So, while in NYC I only managed to pick up one set of knuckle tattoos. I admit, I was awestruck by the city. But what a set. These beauties belong to Bailey, a tattoo artist at Fun City Tattoo. He kindly tooks some time out of his day to talk to us about his hands. He originally wanted to get STAY AWAY but decided to get something more positive, so he got HURT HEAL instead. After that he got “Dead Love” on his knuckles propper. Apparently shortly after that he found the love of his life.

He also gave us a break down on the various artists that contributed to his hands.

  • Burt Krack – Eye and tears on his left hand.
  • Will Lollie – Rose and Butterfly on the backs of his hands.
  • Marcos – the lettering on HURT HEAL.
  • Allan Rogers – the symbols and Hate on his lower knuckles.
  • Tim Lehi – the spider on his palm.

What spider on his palm? Oh yeah…

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs


Great find today! John T. of New York sends in this thorough set of knuckle tattoos. Pictures with his comments interspaced below:

In the first picture are my initials J & T on my pinkies,and some lucky charms.

The second picture is BABY LOVE, this started as a goof thing I used to say to my wife but the more I said it the more it stuck.

The third picture is my 6 & 5 which is my birth year along with 2 daggers.

The fourth picture is all of my hand tattoos the kanji are Pity on the right and Vengeance on the left.

All the tattoos were done by CIV at Lotus Tattoo in Sayville, New York.

Hey John, those are really great thanks for sending them in! And man that Lotus Tattoo site is really great. Check it out!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


This is Mason, he found us over on our MySpace page. This is his story:

I got my knuckle tattoo after I became a father.
My life motto was “live fast, die young”. After my little girl was born it became “live hard, die old”. I’m getting “die old” on the knuckles below my “live hard”

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand Other


This lovely young lady here is named Gretchen and this is what she has to say about her knuckle tattoo:

It’s for my cousin J.W. that’s in the Navy. He has an anchor on his arm. I never get to see him now that’s he’s in the Navy.

What a way to support the troops.