4x4 Knuckle Tattoos Thumbs


Mekaylah sends us these knuckles and her story:

these are my knuckle tattoos. all the way across. kiss or kill, a line from the song “we’re desperate” by the band X.  my favorite song by one of my favorite bands. kiss or kill black or white do or die. need i say more?  done by phil colvin owner of memorial tattoo atlanta ga.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Ah, two years into the Knuckle Tattoo project and finally someone has sent in a set of knuckles that read ROCK and ROLL. I feel like I’ve finally arrived.

J.D. Milligan, the frontman of the Anti Saints sends these in:

this tattoo was done sometime last month (august 08′) at screaming skulls parlor in Gravesend, England i never caught the tattooists name.

ever since i was a kid i’ve been listening to rock n roll i was brought up on pretty boy floyd,rose tattoo,motley crue you get the drift, i was always destined to stand out in the crowd which i must say i do quite successfully. i was talking to someone about my lifestyle and just blurted out “rock n roll isn’t just a genre of music, or a lifestyle it’s a f’n blood type” it was then i knew i HAD to get this tattoo, so on a whim i just jumped down and got these bad boys done. enjoy!

4x4 8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


Richard Blackman of Shud Up ‘n’ Train in Dallas, Texas sends us these knuckle tattoos and his story:

The story behind it is that I’m a fitness trainer and everything I do goes against the grain, from diet to how I exercise, it’s the same in life too, I don’t do it on purpose life just ends up that way, so all my life I’ve had people look at me as extreme especially when they see my feats of strength, well, I struggled to accept that label in the beginning but now I’m taking it and running with it with all I got and I’m not going to hold myself back anymore from being me!….so I’m stepping up my game in everything I do and going “HARDCORE” and I had the tatts done as a constant reminder of what and who I am.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos Other Thumbs


These knuckles come courtesy of Tiina K. of Finland. Here is her story:

I had dreamed about knuckletattoos for quite long, but I had so many options and didn’t really know which one to choose. Suddendly my depression got a bit worse and I went through a difficult process with getting to know myself. I’ve always been a social and loud girl, and talked alot. Yet I noticed a change in me, I had become very shy. I took words “Live loud” to remind me of being proud and brave, and leaving behind that quiet mouse I was. I chose this font cos I’m a huge fan of oldschool tattoos and especially sailor tattoos. That’s why I chose anchors for my thumbs also.
They were done by Hexa666 (

And here are her thumbs:

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Jessica from Virginia sends us these knuckle tattoos:

i had always wanted my knuckles done since i started getting tattoos…i figured now that i work as a piercer in a tattoo shop now would be the best time to get them

i wanted love then lust just seemed to be the perfect opposite i guess

Knuckle Tattoos Other


Ross Lapin sends us his knuckles with his story:

This tat confuses a lot of people because its 3 words, “NOT MY OWN” its pretty funny when people try to pronounce it as one word.

I was a little worried about a knuckle tat cause of job limitations, but whatever.

The significance is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it says “19:Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20:you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

Done by Cliff Willoughby of New Addiction Tattoos in Marietta, Ga. 9-6-08

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Got these knuckles from Heidi Louise a little while back, here is her story:

I got WORM FOOD on my knuckles because..well thats what we are when we die? Yeah. It’s cute. Im really into zombies, and horror movies. Im a tattoo artist at Atomic Tattoos in New Port Richey, FL. My manager Tommy did them for me. If youve seen the cover of prick magazine a couple months ago featuring “Fat Von D“…that’s him. :)

Knuckle Tattoos


Nick at Old Town Tatu in Chicago sends us his knuckles. The were inked by Tony at Old Town. When I asked him why he got them, his answer was:

I am the owner of the studio  and as for the got ink ?  we use it on t-shirts  so I thought it would be a great idea to do my knuckles with it

Check out their work at:

Knuckle Tattoos Other


These come from “doodoo shitpie” (that’s what his email address said anyways):

this reads “NotSober” its just my way of life if not physically enbree8ted then its mentally. the word has alot of heartfelt meaning well for me and my friend JIM JACK and JOSE they will always b e there for me

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Andrew from Greece, NY sends us these knuckles:

i got HELL SENT acrost my knuckles because im pretty good at pissin people off and im not very P.c i get alot of people who say “i must be from hell or something” and it makes me happy to hear haha. hence my knux