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Whaddya know, knuckle tattoos on the knuckles! Jim Parris from Trenton, New Jersey sends us these with the following note:

right on the bone a day later still red as hell..tell the rest their all wimps it didn’t hurt anymore than any other tattoo

When asked why PEACE and LOVE and about the other symbols, this was his response:

Double meaning 1st-name of a pogues album 2.a pun if I hit someone I’d say I’m giving them some peace and love

The fingers things came from a Peru mummy, the hand thing is a triskillion…ancient symbol

Tattoo artist: Patrick Tattoo at

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TEX MEX, originally uploaded by Nathan Black.
I took this photo! I met this lovely lady on her way out of the Jackalope a little over a week ago. Those are her friends waiting for her in the back ground. They were getting a little impatient, waiting to get to the next bar.

Every time I think I’ve found all the knuckle tattoos in Austin, it turns out I’m wrong.

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!bad news

These knuckles come to us from Tim Lind in North Carolina:

Here’s my knuckles……

Well, my girlfriend hates them….. how about that for a description?

I got them in typewriter font as a play on words….. and my life seems to be full of bad news….. That’s all I got!

Oh, and that’s a bullet on my pinky….

They were done by the King Errol at Blue Flame Tattoo in Raleigh, NC.

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Take Me On

New Wave Dave is slowly learning that life is OK. Or he is ready for anything:

TAKE ON ME, as in the song, the a-ha song. One of the first albums I ever bought was a-ha’s Hunting High and Low, and for ages I would fall asleep to the a side. It is my all time favorite album, and in 2003 I got this knuckle tattoo. My sister is a tattoo artist and I had her do them.

If people recognize the song they usually find it funny, if they don’t they usually ask if I am a boxer. So I find the response interesting.

4x4 8 Across Collection Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos My Photos Other

The Tattoos of the Lonestar Round Up

I spent last weekend at the Lonestar Rod & Kustom Round Up soaking up the sun talking to people, and admiring all the amazing cars and trucks. There was music, vendors, pinstripers, artists and more types of pomade than you can shake a stick at. But most of all for me, there were tons of beautiful knuckle tattoos. Check them out after the jump:

Collection Knuckle Tattoos My Photos Other

The Knuckle Tattoos of South by Southwest

Hello gentle readers,

Last week was the South by Southwest music festival in Austin, Texas. I spend most of the week at Beerland working the door and taking photos of knuckle tattoos. I didn’t get the details on most of them since I was kind of busy. Hopefully some of them will contact me and I’ll be able to update with their stories.

See the whole set after the jump.

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This double set comes all the way from Sweden from a guy named Wanker Inferno. He wants us all to “Keep the Rock ‘n’ Roll flag high!”

So keep rocking kids, the Swedes said so.

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To Love Now

To Love Now

This is Nicole Williams a learning leader Adviser at the Northwest Hair academy in Everett, Wa:

My name is Nicole Williams. These are my knuckle tattoos. It literally means “to love now” in Tibetan. I am a Tibetan Buddhist and I wanted the writing to match the Tibetan I have tattooed on my chest. I got this one to remind me to live in the moment because anything could happen and that I should love life and everyone around me now because they may not be there later.

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Here is a set from Maikel Leenders:

the story behind it that here it kinda controversial to have tattoo’s on knuckles our other visable places so that’s why i ask them whith my tattoo sick boy? our not?

and also cuz im an borderliner u know the phychosomatic diseace so it means two things to me

i embrace who i am and ask people to think about all their pre-judgements

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These come courtesy of Rob Hamilton, the owner of Hamilton Motorcycle Repair.

I’ve been through a lot of crap the past couple of years. “God is Love” is a reminder that despite my flaws, God’s love is unconditional. I know it doesn’t necessarily blend in with the other tats on your site…but I figured I’d submit the pic anyway. God Bless.

Actually Rob, you fingers fit right in here. Knuckle tattoos always seem to be about the individual’s belief in something. Thanks for sending them in.