4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Dallas Gobble sends these knuckles in:

I’ve seen these words on knuckles before but it just fit who I wanted to be. I was always a negative “HALF EMPTY” type of person. I was an alcoholic with nothing going for me. I met a girl (my wife now) who always told me to stop being so negative. So, to help me remember to think positive and to always think of the better outcomes that could happen, I got HALF FULL on my knuckles. Now no matter what happens I just think “hey, the glass is always HALF FULL”. Life has been better ever since.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Luke Jones sends us this set of knuckle tattoos and the story:

The meaning to me is that as an individual we always ‘rise’ and ‘fall’, life’s full of up and downs. It reminds me not to think of the downs, and not to concentrate too much on the future, just enjoy life as it comes.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Steven Garret sends us these fabulous knuckle tattoos and his story:

I picked ‘KATE MOSS’ to get on my knuckles because I couldn’t think of anything that lots of people didn’t already have. I didn’t want ‘GAME OVER’ or ‘LOVE HATE’ or any of that stuff and being the dedicated gay-fan of Kate Moss that I am I went with her name. I think she is classic and a lot of her choices in life have been seen as bad, so I thought it was the perfect name to get on my knuckles.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hello, my name is Natasha. I chose ‘Body’ and ‘Soul’ because I have always struggled with allowing the two to become one. It’s a reminder to me everyday that that is what I am working toward; one day, I will be able to give someone my ‘Body’ and my ‘Soul’.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Joe G. sends us these:

I always liked knuckle tats and stay true says it all. i figured it was a good time to do it, im not getting any younger!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Juli Aronson sends us these knuckles and her story:

I got my knucks while hitching and hopping trains through the US.
I picked up Dumb Idea because it’s usually my dumbest ideas that turn out to be the best!
They need to be touched up a little, but I love them just the same!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


hi, my name is Dani and i’m from Florence-Italy, my knuckles say ” POMO ” my father family name and ” BOSI ” my mother family name. that’s it…simple,like a car’s plate. TaT was done by Mattia Lotti at ” laburratintatattoo ” Florence – Italy.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos Other


Holy moly, I love this set of knuckles. Check ’em!

Hey my name’s Ash from Aotearoa [New Zealand].
The story behind these should be pretty easy, I’m a raging geek for Transformers. After a few hundred toys this just seemed the next logical step!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


My name is Daniel Golden-Perez, I’m 20 years of age and I’ve had the words, “True Love” On my knuckles for a couple months now. There are only 2 reasons behind why I chose this, number one being an inspirational man to me by the name of Dallas Green, of the band city and colour, his music moved me forward through hardships and let me know and feel that I wasn’t alone and it really helped me get by, needless to say he has the same tattoo on his knuckles. Reason two is because I feel that I’ve simply felt true love before, and I loved every second and I will never forget it, so in a way it tells me that I was one of the lucky ones, fortunate to feel love, and then I just think about how many other people in the world are searching for love, and how grateful I am to have experienced it.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Baelee Black sends us these little rockers and her story:

i have always loved knuckle tattoos because they usually describe a person to the soul core.For years i wanted knuckle tattoos but i didn’t feel hard enough or ruff enough or sad enough……..lost soul……fuck yall…….sour mash(dead road dog named after a whiskey)……mama tried.None of these things were even close to describing me but still i thought they were so darkly romantic and beautifully done with faded colors and trashy fonts.I am a housewife of 11 years with 2 kids and never in one place more than 2 yrs.I have had many types of jobs and deal with this strange world daily but the one thing i’m awesome at is making a nice home for my kids and being a damn good wife whether in a mansion or motel room…i am a HOME MAKR and am proud to wear it on my fist!