Rick Frueh is a Freehand Body Piercer operating out of Industrial Primitives, inside of Black Cat Tattoo on Sixth Street in beautiful Austin, TX. He also finds work doing side show acts, including blockhead tricks. He didn’t want to get the standard SIDE SHOW set, so he went for something a little different.
Author: Nathan Black
know pain
know pain, originally uploaded by nathanblack.
The knuckles of Austin, TX tattoo artist Mike Pain. He works out of River City Tattoos, just off of Sixth Street. He has some other ideas that are brewing but he is holding off on them.
Originally uploaded by nathanblack.
Ian works as a bartender at Woodys South in Austin, Texas. Says that he got the tattoo as he wanted to leave his 20s behind. He got them to mark a change in his life. He says that his life is completely different now, except that he is still a bartender. And a damn fine one too.
Chase Lisbon is the owner of Supercult.com helping provide great alt.porn for the world. He doesn’t really talk about the meaning behind his knuckles, but you can take what you want from it.
Originally uploaded by nathanblack.
Evan McMichael
For those of you who don’t read Roman, that’s six hundred and sixty six. Evan McMichael is a tattoo artist at Atomic Tattoo here in Austin, Texas. He says he got the idea while reading the Earth Chronicles books by Zecharia Sitchin. Now you all know that 666 is the number of the beast. But did it ever occur to you that man might be the beast? The Earth Chronicles are all about this idea: that 666 is the number of man, that man is the beast set on this earth, and that earth is actually Hell itself.
Evan didn’t want to be be totally blatant, so he went with the Roman numerals instead of the straight set of sixes. He says he gets asked what they say all the time.
Mike Ness’s knuckles, over Coffee. You can get prints of this from Deviant Art.
Brought to you by the fine people at Gabrielle/Brazen Photography.