Hello, my name is Chad. I am 24 from pittsburgh pa. My knuckles say WYNN LUCK.
I know Carry Hart has the same concept. I have always been very close to my grandparents. Every time something bad or unfortunate happens in our family we always say, well thats the Wynn luck. I’ve wanted my knuckles done for years, and one night while visiting my grandparents we were talking about their string of bad luck and the Wynn luck was mentioned. At that moment I decided I was gunna get Wynn luck tattooed on my knuckles. I stepped outside and called my artist who said he could fit me in that night. I asked my grandparents if they were going to be up for a while and they told me, yeah why? I told them i was going to get Wynn luck tattooed on my knuckles. They both laughed thinking I was joking. Sure enough three hours later I returned with it done. This tattoo means the most to me out of all of mine because it will always remind me of my grandparents. Ive been through alot of stuff through out my life with them and it will always bring back all the great memories. I consider my grandfather my best friend. He was just the best man in my wedding this past october. I moved 40 miles away from them to be with my wife and it’s nice to see the tattoo everyday and know they will always be with me.
Thanks for reading my story behind my knuckles.
Chad Wynn
Author: Nathan Black
here’s the story behind the image I submitted yesterday. It’s a love story.I spent a little time having a conversation with a man a generation older than I am.I think about him a lot and wonder if I’ll ever see him again.I’ll know him when I see him because he has the year he was born tattooed across his knuckles.Some people leave an impression on you.1975, the year I came to Earth.
Jonathan Nadeau send us this fresh meat and his story:
This is a picture of my left hand that I just finished tattooing myself. I once was a tattoo artist but I quit tattooing for more than 15 years so I have some practice to do to get back on track ! My left hand was available and willing to play the guinea pig. I will need help for the right hand though.
hey i’m pete from germany,my story about my knuckles becomes a bit obvious if you translate it from german.‘zwanglos’ simply means ‘without bondage’ or ‘fetterless’, but you normally wouldn’t cut the word into the syllables ‘zwan’ and ‘glos’, which emphasizes the idea of it all, because it doesn’t make any sense, unless i want to.in addition ‘zwanglosigkeit’ in german is somehow associated with serenity and after all my knuckles will forever remind me that there’s no authority but myself.Done at Santa Sangre, Cologne
dirt life
Hello, my name is Jeff, I’m a 31 year old Taurus living in Seattle, WA.I knew I wanted a 4×4 that was both a phrase straight across and a polarity, a black/white, night/day binary. -dirt life- is my working class pride tattoo. My buddy, who has -wrkn clas- on his knuckles, and I were discussing working class issues and our true enjoyment of being working class, free from the pressures of social mobility. He said to me “man, the way I look at it, I came from dirt, I’m always gonna be dirt, and I’m gonna die in the dirt.” It was like a beautiful brick hit my stomach. I sat on it for 24 hours and asked for his consent in making that idea my knuckle tattoo.I truly spent my life in the dirt because my mother was a gardener, I mostly played in the woods and in ditches and in the dirty Mississippi River, I work in coffee now which comes from dirt and coffee on your skin and clothes looks like dirt. It’s just me. I also like that it mocks the morality around poorness, such as the phrase “dirt poor” common in my home state of Louisiana. I have taken that morality and claimed it as my own, with honor. I have also been listening to Tupac a lot and it’s a tongue-in-cheek nod to his phrase THUG LIFE. Taurus is an Earth sign-more dirt. The polarity of -dirt- and -life- is very dynamic and very interesting to me on many levels. It, along with my Taurus glyph on my neck, is my favorite tattoo. It’s my way of recontextualizing something that is normally negative and derogatory.
This is Jonny C. and Sam Riot. They are best friends and welders here in Austin, TX.
Jonny got his knuckles done first and say they are a reminder of what life is for him. His knuckle tattoos were the first tattoos he got and now he is fill his arms on up.
Sam loved the idea of HARD WORK and asked Jonny if he minded getting matching knuckles. Jonny was on board, and now the two are working class heroes until they die.
My name is Kenny from Lawrence, Massachusetts and im 22! The reason i got mine is cause so many people have these certain standards of living and how things are supposed to be you know. I deffinitly hate society and all the bullshit people worry about that doesnt matter. So if your an average no body living by the unwritten book, your a sold soul. But the way i live is the oposite and whats important in life or what success is, its different in my eyes and dont really care about much remember life sucks then you die.
Here’s my thumbs as well: