This set of knuckles comes courtesy of “Fat” Scott Morrison, of N2SKIN Tattoos in Farmington Hills, MI. His story is great:
I’d been tattooing for about a year and a half at the time, and it jsut dawned on me that I was in the middle of living my dream and persuing a carreer with no boundries. I had grown up with a father who worked in a Ford plant for 32 years and had taken a medical retirement due to stress-related heart problems, and a mother who had owned her own accounting buisness for 30 years working 13 hour days in dress atire. I had always promised myself that I would never let my life pass by working a job I didnt have a passion for or spend my time sitting at a desk in the corperate world in a suit that was uncomfortable. so, when I came to this realization (that I was living my wildest dreams), I decided that “LIVE LIFE” would always be that constant reminder to just enjoy every little thing I can, and never let something so petty like money or posessions come between me and my love for the simplest yet finest points of life. One week to the day that i got the tattoo, my father passed away suddenly, and literally in the blink of an eye meant more to me than I had ever imagined it would. He worked his entire life, literally till the day he died to make sure that I would be able to persue my dreams, so for him and for me this is the path I have chosen. Nothing will stop me but death.